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WE LOVE OUR TEACHERS! This school year we want to help out our local teachers by providing them with everything they need to be as effective as possible. Check out the list below and see it there is anything that you can help out with! The Waymart Church will be accepting donations on Wednesdays from 6pm-8pm and Sundays from 8am-12pm until August 12th, or if you don't like shopping you can donate online(using the PushPay link below) or with an envelope on Sunday mornings.
Clorox Wipes
Scotch Tape
Washable Markers
Paper Towels
Scented hand soap
Crayons (24 colors)
Hand Sanitizer
Post-it notes
Glue Sticks
If you would like to donate online, you can click the link here and then follow the prompts using PushPay.
(Make sure you select R.D. Wilson Teacher Supply Drive under the option titled "Fund")
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